I'm a professional software and web developer based in Southern California — Currently employed full-time — Open to freelance jobs — Part-time movie buff

Senior Software & Web Developer
Over 20 years of experience designing, developing, implementing, and maintaining software systems — Linux & Windows Server management — Relational Database Systems — Working with third party APIs and platforms — System Migrations & Project Management
- Birthday: I'm a Gemini
- Website: www.tonybhimani.com
- Location: California, USA
- Age: 47
- Degree: Bachelors of Science
- Freelance: Available
In my free-time I work on my collection of personal side projects, some of which include, creating environments in Unreal Engine to make short films, an experimental hybrid Radio Station / Live Stream built with JavaScript, an on-demand home video streaming platform similar to Netflix, and a small reproduction of the 8-bit Nintendo game Mike Tyson's Punch-Out. I also write articles for my programming blog and make tutorial videos that I publish on my YouTube channel. I'd more than likely be a professor teaching at a university if I wasn't doing what I am now.
I like to think of myself as the Jack of all trades, master of some. My programming skillset began with C/C++, then HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, followed by PHP and other languages. There's always something new to learn right around the corner. Below is a small subset of what I use daily.
My professional experience and education in condensed form.
Tony Bhimani
Senior Web Developer with 20+ years of experience directing a brand's website from content strategy and user experience design through front-end and back-end development. Technical expertise with HTML, CSS, and web content management systems including WordPress. Developed a custom content management system to improve several of the company's websites conversion rates, to help with content strategy, and to improve the user experience.
- Southern California
Bachelor of Science — Computer Science
2001 - 2005
DeVry University, Pomona, CA
During my time, there were a couple memorable projects I worked on. The first was a music download website that I called SoundByte. The second was my senior project that was a website for a Montessori school. Yet, my most noted highlight would be that I had the opportunity to teach a Saturday class on JavaScript to my fellow classmates. The instructor asked if I would do it because he said I was more informed on the subject. I put together a 50-slide presentation and acted as Professor Tony that day. I enjoyed it a lot!
- Magna Cum Laude Graduate
- Dean's List
- Awarded Best Senior Project
Professional Experience
Senior Web Developer / Linux System Administrator
2004 - Present
Startechtel.com, Inc., Pomona, CA
- Spearheaded the technological advancement of the company by updating all manual processes by deploying an internal network and Linux servers to host web applications on location, resulting in improved security, source control management, and software maintenance; designed, coded, and implemented web applications for sales quotes, orders, RMAs, and employee time clock, increasing productivity, streamlining operations, and saving the company hours of manual work a week.
- Designed new main eCommerce website using PHP and SQL for the back-end and JavaScript, CSS, and HTML for the front-end UI/UX, the design included parsed product keywords for SEO and inhouse servers made for a fast user experience.
- Conceptualized content management system (CMS) to offer a simplified yet robust web application to manage multiple websites, thousands of products, sales orders, and customer information. The CMS improved operations by centralizing all data with strong optimization.
- Recruited, trained, and mentored a team of junior developers, facilitating their growth and increasing their productivity through regular code reviews and knowledge sharing sessions.
- Acted as Project Manager for integrating third-party APIs, collaborated with management, vendors, and development partners regarding software application design / project status meeting a tight deadline.
Below is a portfolio of the various projects I've worked on — past and current. It's a mix of applications, web development, gaming, and videos. New endeavors are added as they come. I like to keep busy.
- All
- App
- Web
- Game
- Video
Southern California, USA
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