Project information

  • Category: Game Development
  • Project date: August 2020
  • Videos URL: @ YouTube
  • Source Code URL: @ GitHub

Unity Megaman Tutorial Series

I still vividly remember the day we got our first 8-bit Nintendo console and connected it to the television. It felt like pure magic watching those tiny pixels come to life on the screen. My brothers and I were completely captivated; we barely slept for days because we couldn't stop playing. It all began with Super Mario, then we moved on to the Legend of Zelda gold cartridge, Mike Tyson's Punch-Out, and eventually, Megaman.

Playing those games ignited a desire in me to learn game programming. Although that dream didn't quite materialize, I did find my way into the world of application development, and later, web development.

In 2020, I decided to embark on a personal Megaman project using the Unity game engine. Naturally, I turned to YouTube to learn the mechanics: camera movement, collision detection, physics, sprite animation, controller input—you name it, I had to learn it to make the game work. After a lot of hard work, I managed to put together a playable scene where I could climb ladders and explore a virtual world. When I posted a video of my progress on YouTube, I received comments asking if I would release the source code.

Initially, I hadn't even considered sharing the source code or creating tutorials, but the idea grew on me. I decided to start with a five-video series, which quickly expanded to 10 due to the growing interest. Eventually, it evolved into a full-fledged course comprising 40 videos, explaining how to recreate many of the Megaman mechanics.

To wrap up the series, I even recreated a replica of the Bombman stage. It was incredibly rewarding to see so many people learn from the series and share what they had created based on my tutorials. Considering I have absolutely no formal training in game development, I consider it a significant achievement.

Now, I have several other projects in the works, but creating a Mike Tyson's Punch-Out series is at the top of my list.