Project information

  • Category: Video
  • Project date: October 2020
  • Video URL: @ YouTube

Megaman Halloween Graveyard Battle

I wanted to inject some Halloween spirit into my creative endeavors, so I dedicated the entire month of October to crafting a Megaman fan game video. The video was a blend of storytelling and gameplay, essentially a short movie set in the Megaman universe. With only thirty days to bring my vision to life, the deadline was tight.

During that time, I had to create graphics, source others, make necessary edits, find suitable music and audio clips, code all the enemy AI logic, animate characters, and weave together a cohesive story. It was quite the challenge, but I was determined to make it happen.

Despite my efforts, the video didn't garner as many views and likes as I had hoped. Consequently, I decided not to turn it into a trilogy as I had originally planned. However, I thoroughly enjoyed the creative process and had a lot of fun working on the project. It remains one of my favorite endeavors to date.